3rd Al Balagh Academy
Online International Conference on
Fiqh of Medicine
Graduation Ceremony and Stakeholder Seminar
23rd February 2021
9:30 AM – 5:30 PM GMT
Online Seminar
For Health Care Professionals, Students, Muslim Scholars and all other interested parties and Health Bodies.
Count Every Second Until The Event.
Research and Intelligence
Network Support and Resources
To provide a forum and interpersonal contact between Practitioners, Islamic Scholars (Ulema) and other academics and bodies, in order to build a network of support and resource for the future.
Medical science has witnessed some profound technological advances just in the past few decades. This has had quite an impact on the way we practice medicine, diagnose and treat. Modern medicine has challenged our understanding of humanity, and has brought some serious ethical, philosophical, theological and legal dilemmas to the table.
As the field of medicine is developing at an ever-increasing rate, and the world has become a global village, we find ourselves in an information age where the public turns to online sources and multi-media to be informed about what is the right or wrong thing to do.
Muslim leaders, the public, and stakeholder bodies need to be equipped, not only to effectively navigate the world of contemporary bioethics, but to help others make sense of these important ethical questions, through a good understanding of scripture, informed expert guidance and an ability to present this work in a way which is impactful and useful for consumers i.e. Muslim public, health professionals and organisations.
In our 2nd International conference on Fiqh of Medicine, Al Balagh Academy will be presenting and exploring some important areas of Islamic Bioethics and Medical Fiqh related to the ethics of beginning of life, end of life, prospects of producing Islamic bioethical guidelines and frameworks, the role of Darul Iftas, Islamic framework for the covid-19 pandemic and the medical fiqh of fasting.
Saturday will focus on contemporary issues related to Islamic Bioethics, and Sunday will mainly focus on medical fiqh and its future developments. Both days are open to all, however Sunday will be more dedicated to Muslim scholars who have an interest in the field and those who wish to gain more insight around engaging with shari’ah scholars and medical fiqh and fatawa bodies more generally.
#Programme Aims
Programme Aims
To increase awareness of contemporary medical bioethics from the Islamic perspective, its challenges and proposed future direction.
To promote and advance a multidisciplinary approach to research and intelligence in producers and more engagement with consumers of Islamic Bioethics.
To provide a forum and interpersonal contact between Medical Practitioners, Islamic Scholars (Ulema) and other academics and bodies, in order to build a network of support and resources for the future.
Who Should Attend?
To provide a forum and interpersonal contact between Medical Practitioners, Islamic Scholars (Ulema) and other academics and bodies, in order to build a network of support and resources for the future.
Agenda Of The Day
The conference will begin with a graduation ceremony of all graduates of the Al Balagh Academy Fiqh of Medicine course. Some students will present and certificates will then be given.
The two days will then proceed with three sets of presentations followed by their respective panel discussions. The first day will focus on bioethical issues pertaining to contemporary matters and the second day will relate more to medical fiqh and its development in current times.
The day will close with closing remarks from guest speakers.
Saturday March 20th 2021
Introduction and Welcome
Al Balagh Academy – Islamic Bioethical Guidelines/ Pathways
Dr Esakji
Lecturer, Al Balagh Academy, UK
Presentation 1
Dr Arshad Latif
(Al Balagh Academy Student)
Presentation 2
Dr Shakira Kossam
(Al Balagh Academy Student)
Keynote Speeches
Speaker 1
Dr Muhammad Ali al-Bar
(Director of Centre of Medical Ethics, Jeddah)
Speaker 2
Mufti Taqi Usmani
(Dar al-‘Ulum Karachi, Pakistan)
Presentation of Certificates and Awards
Ethics of Beginning of Life
Population Family Planning Programmes
Dr Abdullah al-Joudi
(King Fahd Hospital of the Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University)
Abortion and the use of Foetal Tissue
Shaykh Hatem al-Haj
(Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America AMJA)
CRISPR- Future of Gene Editing
Dr Mohammed Ghaly
Panel Discussion
Ali Jan Haider
(Strategic Director, NHS Bradford District and Craven CCG)
12.45 – 13.30
Dhuhr Salah Break + Lunch
Ethics of End of Life Care
What is a Good Death?
Dr Mehrunisha Suleman
(Centre of Islamic Studies, University of Cambridge)
Ethics of Withholding and Withdrawing treatment
Mufti Zubair Butt
(Darul Ifta, Bradford)
Diagnosing Death
Dr Aasim Padela
(Initiative I&M)
Panel Discussion
Shaykh Dr Rafaqat Rashid
(Academic Director of Al Balagh)
The Islamic Framework for Pandemics- Covid-19
The Muslim Engagement with Pandemics
Dr Arzoo Ahmed
(Nuffield Council on Bioethics)
Challenges of Covid and Muslims
Dr Mohammed Munir
(Virology, University of Lancaster)
Fiqh Discussions in Pandemics
Mufti Amjad Muhammad
(Darul Ifta, Wifaq al-Ulama)
An Islamic Framework for Pandemics
Shaykh Dr Rafaqat Rashid
(Academic Director of Al Balagh)
Panel Discussion
Shadim Hussain
(Board of Bradford Hospital Foundation Trust)
Closing Comments for the Day
Sunday March 21st 2021
Keynote Speeches
Mufti Khalid Sayfullah Rahmani
(Islamic Fiqh Academy in India and Jeddah)
Contemporary Approach to Medical Treatment and the Pharmaceutical Industry
Vaccines, Drug Companies and Research Ethics
Dr Mohammed Munir
(Virology, University of Lancaster)
Fiqh of Vaccines – A Public Approach
Shaykh Mateen Khan
Fiqh of Pharmaceutical Industry and Regulations
Shaykh Dr Rafaqat Rashid
(Academic Director of Al Balagh)
Panel Discussion
Dr Salman Waqar
(Nuffield dept of Primary Care Health Services)
Developing Islamic Bioethical Guidelines and Frameworks
Where Medical Fiqh and Islamic Bioethics Meet
Shaykh Hatem al-Haj
(Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America AMJA)
Importance of Bioethical Guidelines
Dr Nazim Ghouri
(Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences)
How a Multi-disciplinary Approach Works
Dr Aasim Padela
(Initiative I&M)
Dhuhr Salah Break + Lunch
Panel Discussion
Shaykh Dr Rafaqat Rashid
(Academic Director of Al Balagh)
The Role of Global Fatawa Bodies in Fiqh of Medicine
Challenges for Muftis in Europe
Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari
(Darul Ifta, Leicester)
Challenges for Muftis in America
Mufti Abdullah Nana
(American Fiqh Academy)
Challenges for Muftis in Indo-Pak Subcontinent
Mufti Zubair Butt
(Darul Ifta, Karachi)
Challenges for Muftis in Middle East
Shaykh Hatem al-Haj
(Darul Ifta Misriyyah)
Challenges for Muftis in Africa
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
(Darul Ifta Mahmudiyyah)
Challenges for Islamic Fiqh Academies
Mufti Khalid Sayfullah Rahmani
(Islamic Fiqh Academy in India and Jeddah)
The Future and Changing Landscape of Darul Ifta Training
Mufti Dr Abdur-Rahman Mangera
(Whitethread Institute)
Developing Takhassus Programmes for Medical Fiqh
Shaykh Dr Rafaqat Rashid
(Academic Director of Al Balagh)
Key Note Speech
Shaykh Amin Kholwadia
(Founder of Darul Qasim, Chicago)
Closing Speech
Reserve Your Place
Live Access Only
- Q&A session with speakers
- Online Networking
- Digital Certificate of Attendance
- Access to Presentation Slides
- Access to Recorded Video Sessions(HD)
- Free Enrolment in Islamic Marriage Counselling / Mental Health Online Course
Live Access + Recordings
- Q&A session with speakers
- Online Networking
- Digital Certificate of Attendance
- Access to Presentation Slides
- Access to Recorded Video Sessions(HD)
- Free Enrolment in Islamic Marriage Counselling / Mental Health Online Course
Live Access + Recordings + Course Access
- Q&A session with speakers
- Online Networking
- Digital Certificate of Attendance
- Access to Presentation Slides
- Access to Recorded Video Sessions(HD)
- Free Enrolment in Islamic Marriage Counselling / Mental Health Online Course
Event Speakers
Dr Esakji
Lecturer, Al Balagh Academy, UK
Dr Muhammad Ali al-Bar
(Director of Centre of Medical Ethics, Jeddah)
Mufti Taqi Usmani
(Dar al-‘Ulum Karachi, Pakistan)
Shaykh Amin Kholwadia
(Founder of Darul Qasim, Chicago)
Dr Abdullah al-Joudi
(King Fahd Hospital of the Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University)
Shaykh Hatem al-Haj
(Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America AMJA)
Dr Mohammed Ghaly
Ali Jan Haider
(Strategic Director, NHS Bradford District and Craven CCG)
Dr Mehrunisha Suleman
(Centre of Islamic Studies, University of Cambridge)
Mufti Zubair Butt
(Darul Ifta, Bradford)
Dr Aasim Padela
(Initiative I&M)
Shaykh Dr Rafaqat Rashid
(Academic Director of Al Balagh)
Dr Arzoo Ahmed
(Nuffield Council on Bioethics)
Dr Mohammed Munir
(Virology, University of Lancaster)
Mufti Amjad Muhammad
(Darul Ifta, Wifaq al-Ulama)
Shadim Hussain
(Board of Bradford Hospital Foundation Trust)
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